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  • Museum plaster replica of Aphrodite head – (Kaufmann head). A unique plaster sculpture handmade with the traditional method of casting plaster. The statue is mounted on a black Greek marble base. This plaster cast head of Aphrodite is a replica of a bust discovered at Tralles in Asia Minor in around 1885. It was named from the Kaufmann Collection, where it was preserved until it was purchased by the Louvre in 1951. The "Kaufmann Head" is one of a great many copies that were made of the Aphrodite of Cnidus in the Hellenistic and Imperial periods.


    Plaster casting Aphrodite goddess Greek mythology history Aphrodite statue head

    SKU: S010100151102
    • 📜 Condition: New, made in Greece
      📜 Materials: Plaster, Patina
      📜 Dimensions: Width 11 cm (4.33 inches) – Height 15 cm (5.91 inches) - Total height 23 cm (7.87 inches)
      📜 Technique: Casting plaster
      📜 Product code number: S010100151102

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